Tytuł oryginału
Język książki
Kategoria książki
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Rok wydania
Informacje o wydaniu
Liczba stron: 336
Ilość ilustracji: 20
Ilość ilustracji: 20
Ręczny opis książki
Thoroughly updated for its Seventh Edition, this best-selling volume of the House Officer Series is a succinct, symptom-oriented pocket guide to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of common neurologic disorders. Each chapter opens with a clinical case study and proceeds to classification of symptoms, history, physical examination, laboratory tests, differential diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment, and management. The book includes a chapter on differential diagnoses of less common conditions and an appendix of drug tables. This edition features major revisions of chapters on localization, muscle weakness, central nervous system infections, AIDS, pain treatment, increased intracranial pressure, and traumatic brain injury.